I made it outside several times over the week to enjoy the late spring flora and fauna: a work-related expedition to the South March Highlands, a slow evening ride along the Rideau River, and day of hiking in the Carp Hills with the boys. None of the trips provided much opportunity for proper observations and note-taking: certainly the boys weren't prepared to stand still, enduring the mosquitoes (which have exploded in number due to the damp spring) while I bent over a herb or waited for a warbler to reappear. Nevertheless, the trips proved very productive, with some very pleasing surprises. I've omitted the more common, urban birds, and I've certainly left out a lot of plants.
- Double-crested cormorant
- Mallard
- Wood duck
- Great Blue Heron
- Killdeer
- Ruffed grouse (heard)
- Turkey vulture
- Coopers Hawk
- Mourning Dove
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker
- Northern flicker
- Great crested flycatcher
- Northern raven
- Blue jay
- Black-capped chickadee
- White-breasted nuthatch
- Gray catbird
- Hermit thrush (heard)
- Yellow-throated vireo
- Yellow warbler
- Yellowthroat
- Scarlet Tanager
- Northern Cardinal
- Song sparrow
- Pine warbler
- Red-winged blackbird
- Northern oriole
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak
- Eastern gartner snake
- Smooth green snake (photo)
- Snapping turtle
- Leopard frog
- Green frog
- White pine
- Largetooth aspen
- Trembling aspen
- White birch
- Ironwood
- American beech
- Red oak
- Black cherry
- American basswood
- American elm
- Butternut
- Sugar maple
- Red maple
- Silver maple
- White ash
- Common juniper
- Pin cherry
- Bearberry
- Striped maple
- Poison ivy
- Pink lady's slipper (photo)
- Canada mayflower
- White trillium
- Painted trillium
- Indian cucumber root
- Wild columbine
- Bishop's cap
- Foamflower
- Violets (various)
- Canada bloodroot
- Pale corydalis
- Smaller enchanter's nightshade
- Wild Sarsaparilla
- Starflower
- Wild lettuce
- Large-leaved Aster
- Brachyeletrum erectum (I don't know the common name)
- Oryzopsis asperifolia (again, I don't know the common name)
Otter (in the Rideau!)
White-tailed deer (tracks and scat)
Black bear (scat)
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